zaterdag 4 februari 2012

When you jump the universe jumps with you. (4th of february)

Sometimes when you jump into the deep it seems so scary. You don't know what will happen.
2 Days ago I jumped, I cut a cord, made a decision about my life that will be life changing.
I was very afraid and a lot of things kept lingering in my mind.
But than when I found myself in peace with my decision it seemed the universe supported my choice and I felt the universe jumped with me. Things fell in place. Solutions came and I feel happy.
So very happy.
I let love and magic back in my life and life keeps on suprising me.
And really I love it, my life in the here and the now.
With all the good things and the bad things.
But I can really say I feel blessed.

This morning in the garden......

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