woensdag 9 januari 2013

Starting all over again

What are your dreams? On that question I had no longer an answer. During the whole last year, my life was only about surviving, arranging stuff and going through a rollercoaster of emotions. Not only my emotions but those of my children and boyfriend too. And sensitive as I am, I take all emotions on my shoulders, including the ones of others. I lost my creativity and had absolutly no motivation for anything. I was tired all the time and with that I also had a lot of pain and sickness going on. I got so sick and tired with all of that, I needed something positive. So about 2 months ago I found on internet a Goddess Training with all kind of different courses, meditations and other amazing goodies. It looked so positive! And positivity was for far out what I needed the most, something uplifting in my somewhat dark life.
So I talked it over with my boyfriend and I thought I should do it, I had nothing to lose anyway, only to win.
The best thing for me was that they also had alot of stuff going on starting a buisiness. So I made the decesion to do it and took the whole package with all the things that they got :-)
And this week I will start with a training to make my house a happy, sacred and decluttered place, and I follow a 30 day workshop with exercises that I receive everyday. Oh and not to forget, every night I do a meditation for divine dreaming :-)
I will let you know how everything turnes out of course.

If you are curious about what I will do, just take a look here:

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