dinsdag 24 april 2012

She who is finding herself back

I left the farm were I was living. I am now at a friend waiting to get back to my house. Just two weeks to go. It has been very hard not having my own place for the last 7 months. But oh my Goddess what did I learn a lot. Now that I am here at my friend I feel like I can breathe again, slowly my mind gets more at ease. My body on the other hand is letting the stress out in a whole different way, with a whole lot of infections, like for instant my eyes... I look like dracula with my red eyes...and my candida is having big party's at the moment.  But to help my body a bit I am eating very healthy and let go of all sugar and yeast. Normally I rarely ate that, but at the farm I didn't had much choice and my body got really sick...so it is not very strange that it is all coing out at the moment. But I am taking good care of myself.
I feel blessed with the help of my friends although it still feels hard for me to accept it.
I notice that I grew a lot, I dare more, know myself better, no what I want and what I don't want. I can also notice I feel better because I started cleaning again. Maybe a strange example but believe me when you feel bad, you care less about cleaning and stuff. But now I feel that the little cleaning freak that lives within me is coming out again hihi.
More and more I find pieces of myself back again. Some pieces lost long ago, some pieces not missing so long but deperatly needed to stay strong.
I found back the lover, the mother, the innocent me, feminine me, the playing me, my inner child, courageous me, sweet me, so many things I lost. So many things found back, so many things healed.
It doens't mean that everything is okay now, I still have a way to go. Much healing to do and some difficult things to find back. But I feel more strong, more complete, more confident in what is coming.
I learned that I am not alone I am surrounded in so many ways.
I feel blessed and know even more that love is all :-)

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