Gisteren de beslissing gemaakt om me ziek te melden op mijn werk. Dat betekende deze ochtend geen marteling van pijn en stress. Het was vreemd om op de bank te zitten en te kunnen genieten van de rust toen mijn dochtertje sliep. Dat rust moment ben ik immers kwijt als ik werk en dan kom ik thuis in drukte en dat blijft tot alles op bed ligt. Maar vandaag was het rustig. Ik kon de halve dag lezen en daarmee dus ook mijn gedachten wat leger maken. Ik kon mezelf weer een beetje voelen.
Ik speelde nog fijn met de geleende versapers, en creëerde de meest vreemd uitziende sapjes, wat ik geweldig vind. Ik kon weer voelen wat ik graag wilde doen, stond weer in contact met mijn visioenen en de wezens om me heen. En dan zijn dan voor mij van die echte geluksmomentjes.
Net als dat ik vanmorgen zo lekker kon knuffelen met mijn dochter op bed. Of vanavond een tekening maakte met mijn zoon met herfstblaadjes en we dan zo lekker kunnen keuvelen saampjes en met niks tevreden kunnen zijn.
Of zoals nu dat mijn 2 hondenmeisjes tegen me aan liggen in hun (door mij gemaakte) pyjamaatjes en me zo lekker warm houden. Want ik heb het zoooo koud al dagen.
Dus ik ben blij dat die momenten er ook zijn.
Morgen wil ik de groep vlaamse gaaien gaan fotograferen die me elke ochtend zo mooi wakker komen schreeuwen. En ook zal ik de vleugels die ik heb liggen moeten omtoveren tot prachtige smudgewaaiers, omdat ik over anderhalve week weer voor het eerst op een beurs zal staan.
Dus ondanks alles, probeer ik wel vooruit te blijven lopen. Met kleine stapjes en soms compleet blind. Maar ik blijf doorgaan. Ik tel stiekem of tot de 10de, de eerste cursusdag. Om te kunnen genieten van dat gevoel wat ik had 2 weken geleden.
En denk even niet aan operaties en enge gesprekken.
dinsdag 25 september 2012
maandag 24 september 2012
Me realiseren dat ik ziek ben.
Ik ben op. Je hebt momenten dat je denkt, ik ben op en toch blijk je dan toch dat stukje verder te kunnen, en weer een stukje en weer een stukje. Maar nu mijn lichaam aan alle kanten tegen sputtert realiseer ik me dat er niet meer soorten op bestaan, behalve doodgaan of in een hoekje gaan liggen ergens wachten op dood gaan. Althans dat stel ik me zo voor.
Vandaag kreeg ik de uitslag van mijn tumortjes terug, goedaardig, maar we halen de andere 4 toch ook maar weg. Better safe dan sorry nietwaar?
Maar ja, inmiddels zijn mijn knieën op, mijn rug doet verrot veel pijn, mijn lichaam is overal blauw, ik heb erge buikpijnen en hoofdpijn meldt zich inmiddels ook als vaste klant.
Stap 1 is om nu zo gezond mogelijk te eten. De meeste gruwelijk uitziende groene vers geperste sapjes heb ik al naar binnen gewerkt vandaag. Geen suiker meer, geen gist, geen gluten. Dus stond ik vanmiddag zelf kokostruffels te maken, zodat mijn arme "mind" ook nog wat gezond troostvoer heeft op de rot momenten.
Maar ja daarmee ben ik niet meteen geholpen en met alle stress en bijbehorende angst (dank je wel stoornis) en maandag weer een operatie-tje zegt alles in mij stop, klaar, remmen.
En al veel te lang luister ik niet naar het remmen stemmetje.. Nu dus wel.
Dus ziek gemeld. Even geen stress, geen zwaar werk, geen knieën die stormen moet trotseren en een rug die het allemaal moet dragen. Maar eigenlijk een soort strenge rust, om de pijn over te laten gaan. Om de achtbaan hopelijk even een beetje minder snel te laten gaan.
Om even op te warmen, om mijn lijf tijd te gunnen te herstellen, want het was te veel van het goede.
Want inmiddels op de planning:
diagnose gesprek van 3 uur
vervolggesprek van 1 uur
4 dingies op mijn hoofd laten verwijderen
urgentie afwachten en bij goedkeuring huis regelen.
een beursje draaien
plannen maken met Y om weer workshops te kunnen draaien
en zelf een opleiding willen doen om zo een droom baan te krijgen
middelen regelen om te zorgen dat ik überhaupt die opleiding kan doen
Ik denk dat een gezond mens al gek zou worden hiervan....
Maar vanmiddag toen ik vriendin N sprak, en zei tegen me zei, meid je mag om hulp vragen want ook al zie je er aan de buitenkant niks van, je bent wel ziek.
En misschien wil er nog niet aan. Dat ziek zijn.
Ik kan heel goed overschreeuwen. Maar dit schreeuwt harder.
En ik werk er hard aan, maar het is soms wel heel, héél erg moeilijk.
En eenzaam.
Ik probeer me te blijven richten op mijn dromen. Maar ja dat stomme ziek zijn maakt me daar ook weer bang voor.
Ik probeer me vast te houden aan mijn lief. Maar voor hem is het ook niet makkelijk.
Dus mijn grootste rotsen in de branding zijn mijn kinderen. Want zij zijn gewoon hunzelf. En vinden mama gewoon de allerliefste leukste mama op de wereld. Ook als de achtbaan naar beneden gaat. Hun zijn dat de rem, mijn punt van bewustzijn. De reden om niet door te draaien en te blijven doorgaan, om sterk te zijn.
Hun liefde is als een valnet, een deken..ook al weten ze dat niet. En dat hoeft ook niet. Want ik ben hun deken, hun valnet en dat weten hun maar al te goed en zo hoort het ook. Maar ik ben blij dat ze er zijn.
Maar ja misschien word het allemaal makkelijker als ik officieel ziek ben. Dat er wat meer begrip komt en wegen om te bewandelen.
Want ik wil niet ziek zijn. Ik wil me niet zo voelen. Ik wil niet dat alles pijn doet, ik wil dat lijf niet haten. Maar feit blijft dat het wel allemaal zo is, dat het ziek is, pijn doet en zo voelt. En dat ik soms echt mijn lijf daar om haat. Ik wil geen stomme tumortjes op mijn hoofd en die stomme tumor in mijn hoofd wil ik ook helemaal niet. En die rare bult op mijn pols die moet ook weg.
Alles moet schoon, weg, klaar, beter worden.
Ik wil vooruit.
Ik wil dansen, zingen, springen, gek doen, verliefd zijn, het mooie weer zien van alles.
Dat donker ken ik nu wel.
Mag ik gewoon in het licht zijn en genieten van de warmte? De kilte en de pijn heeft mijn hart al lang genoeg vast gehouden.
Maar ja ontdooien gaat blijkbaar niet zo snel als je bang bent voor het licht....
zondag 23 september 2012
Making it harder
Fighting depression is hard. But having a candida infection along with that is even harder. Because no sugar, no yeast, no milkproducts and in my case no glutes....
And what do most people do when the feel down...(just like me) they eat sweet, fa, cream stuff. And living under somebody's else his roof, paying my food, I got no further than staying vegetarian. But eating really healthy was no option any more and before I knew I was eating bad stuff over and over again. And got addicted to sugar big time also.
But fighting against my depressions, made me eat loads of bad stuff and making my body sicker and sicker. And now I come to the point that my body can not take an more and I feel 24/7 tired and completly broken. So this weekend I stopped all the bad stuff because I need to get better, not only in my head, but also my body. So up we go, wat healthy, and no bad stuff.
Friends borrowed me their slowjuicer, so I can drink a lot of green smoothies the coming weeks, to help me clean my body.
It wil be a hell of a fight, but I need to fight it if I want to live my life the way I want it.
But luckely for me I have experience with eating healthy, so I had a good reason to make healthy, yummy stuff. So the freezer holds now 4 raw mango "cheesecakes" :-)
Because I can not live without some sweet stuff every now and than.
And 10 october I will be having my first Shaman voice class! I can't wait! :-)
And what do most people do when the feel down...(just like me) they eat sweet, fa, cream stuff. And living under somebody's else his roof, paying my food, I got no further than staying vegetarian. But eating really healthy was no option any more and before I knew I was eating bad stuff over and over again. And got addicted to sugar big time also.
But fighting against my depressions, made me eat loads of bad stuff and making my body sicker and sicker. And now I come to the point that my body can not take an more and I feel 24/7 tired and completly broken. So this weekend I stopped all the bad stuff because I need to get better, not only in my head, but also my body. So up we go, wat healthy, and no bad stuff.
Friends borrowed me their slowjuicer, so I can drink a lot of green smoothies the coming weeks, to help me clean my body.
It wil be a hell of a fight, but I need to fight it if I want to live my life the way I want it.
But luckely for me I have experience with eating healthy, so I had a good reason to make healthy, yummy stuff. So the freezer holds now 4 raw mango "cheesecakes" :-)
Because I can not live without some sweet stuff every now and than.
And 10 october I will be having my first Shaman voice class! I can't wait! :-)
donderdag 20 september 2012
Why can the downs be so deep?
Why all out of nothing I can feel so down and why it seems so deep everytime. I don't feel well at all. I feel angry, not understanding anything of the society we live in. It frustrates me. Today had to make the phonecalls myself to get an appoitment for treatment... the first one will be three hours..sigh...
Oh how I hate this feeling, feeling like a little bird, completly helpless, useless and so on :(
And the worst of all, I can do nothing about it.
Oh how I hate this feeling, feeling like a little bird, completly helpless, useless and so on :(
And the worst of all, I can do nothing about it.
vrijdag 14 september 2012
Shaman voice workshop
For me going to a workshop, and participate mostly turns out in disappointment. So I stopped a long time ago doing this. But this year I tried again, trying a clanmother yeartraining and also this was nothing for me. So when my heart told me, do the shaman voice workshop, I felt a bit lost. Like uhuh and than you disappoint me again? I had a bit troubles with my own heart I guess.
But because it was the only little voice left that I could hear ánd the fact that 3 months ago I got a message that I should do something with my voice to heal myself and others. I deceided to go anyway and would just see what would happen.
And wow...just wow.... For the first time in months I felt calm, I stepped over my fears, there were NO thoughts in my head.... I was NOT afraid... I felt wonderful, strong, a Goddess. The Goddess that I am.
I was such a wonderful experience to feel me again, me the way that I truly am.
I danced, I danced Haka, and I sang... I sang the song of my soul. And believe me when you do that with others, you become one, the song becomes one.
I am so happy and grateful for this. And most of it, I will continue to do so. I want to do the beginners training and next year the year training, because this awakend something in me, I can do this, I want this, I felt whole, connected, one, me...
And most of all I was not afraid to surrender.
I am grateful from deep within.
But because it was the only little voice left that I could hear ánd the fact that 3 months ago I got a message that I should do something with my voice to heal myself and others. I deceided to go anyway and would just see what would happen.
And wow...just wow.... For the first time in months I felt calm, I stepped over my fears, there were NO thoughts in my head.... I was NOT afraid... I felt wonderful, strong, a Goddess. The Goddess that I am.
I was such a wonderful experience to feel me again, me the way that I truly am.
I danced, I danced Haka, and I sang... I sang the song of my soul. And believe me when you do that with others, you become one, the song becomes one.
I am so happy and grateful for this. And most of it, I will continue to do so. I want to do the beginners training and next year the year training, because this awakend something in me, I can do this, I want this, I felt whole, connected, one, me...
And most of all I was not afraid to surrender.
I am grateful from deep within.
dinsdag 11 september 2012
Lost in this world
In een eindeloos van ritme van gaan en komen, geluk en verdriet, begrip en onbegrip, probeer ik nog steeds mijn weg te vinden. Ik voel me alleen zo moe. Zo moe van alles regelen, van alles achterna zitten, van elke keer weer moeten. Van elke keer weer mezelf moeten proberen te vinden als ik ondergesneeuwd ben door de dingen van het dagelijkse leven.
Van elke keer volhouden die vonk te kunnen zien diep van binnen. Te blijven geloven dat deze er echt is en mij de weg zal wijzen.
Vol te kunnen blijven houden om het lied van mijn eigen hart te kunnen blijven horen.
Maar de melodie lijkt soms zo kwijt en ik voel me dan zo verloren en reddeloos alleen.
Alsof niks het meer waard is om dan voor door te kunnen gaan.
Vertrouwen te blijven hebben on iets wat je niet kan zien.
Dankbaar zijn voor de lichtjes die er wel zijn.
Maar soms zo moe zijn van al het commentaar van mensen die het wel beter denken te weten, maar geen idee hebben hoe je je voelt.
Dat moe zijn van mijn leven niet betekend dat ik moe ben van mijn kinderen. Of als ik zeg niet meer te geloven in liefde dat dat niet betekend dat ik niet kan liefhebben of liefde kan ontvangen...
Het betekend dat ik moe ben en het soms zo gruwelijk zat allemaal. Dat ik wel eens zou willen dat het allemaal wat gemakkelijker was. Dat ik de rem kon vinden van het achtbaankarretje. Dat ik eens zou willen uit zuchten in plaats van mijn adem in te houden.
Om eens een keertje niet bang te hoeven zijn.
Om gewoon eens mij te kunnen zijn en gewaardeerd te worden omdat ik, ik ben.
Om me weer eens over te durven geven aan de stroom van het vliegen in plaats van me vleugellam te voelen.
Ik wil duiken in een zee die me niet verdrinkt. Ik wil omhuld worden in een deken van regenbogen en liefdevolle zachtheid.
Maar alles lijkt zo ver te zijn. En zo verschrikkelijk gecompliceerd.
Ik heb zoveel tranen die hun weg naar buiten maar kunnen vinden.
Ik probeer zo goed te luisteren en met kleine stapjes te dansen. Maar ik lijk verloren in een menigte, overspoeld door een soort grote wanhoop waardoor ik me afvraag soms, hoor ik wel hier?
maandag 10 september 2012
Key to my soul
Things never happen without a reason, at least that is what I like to believe. No matter how down I am, or how dark my life seems to be, music is always my savior. Like a light shining in the night.
I don't even need to hear it, I can hear it in my soul, in the whispers of the wind or simply just in the energy of living things.
It makes sure I can dance my dance of life.
For my birthday I got a beautiful flute and I love to play it. But with my depresions I forget myself a lot. But I know it is time to kick my own ass and use the key of soul, music!
So I took the flute from the closet and played. And it felt wonderful.
I seem to forget the good things a lot :(
Or at least the things that are for me or make me happy.
In a reading some time ago they said I could heal with my voice and should make music. Play the music of my soul.
Of course I did not pay much attention to what they said and just continued my life.
But this week I got an invatation for a workshop shamanic voice healing and after already getting mail from this man for many years, I deceided it was time to it. Because what can heal me more than something I really love? It's like healing myself with love and I guess there is not better thing than that.
So in the meanwhile I play my flute, enjoy play my singing bowl and really need to start dancing with my drum again. Because I truly start to believe that music can be the key to healing my soul.
My own music, my own dance :-)
I don't even need to hear it, I can hear it in my soul, in the whispers of the wind or simply just in the energy of living things.
It makes sure I can dance my dance of life.
For my birthday I got a beautiful flute and I love to play it. But with my depresions I forget myself a lot. But I know it is time to kick my own ass and use the key of soul, music!
So I took the flute from the closet and played. And it felt wonderful.
I seem to forget the good things a lot :(
Or at least the things that are for me or make me happy.
In a reading some time ago they said I could heal with my voice and should make music. Play the music of my soul.
Of course I did not pay much attention to what they said and just continued my life.
But this week I got an invatation for a workshop shamanic voice healing and after already getting mail from this man for many years, I deceided it was time to it. Because what can heal me more than something I really love? It's like healing myself with love and I guess there is not better thing than that.
So in the meanwhile I play my flute, enjoy play my singing bowl and really need to start dancing with my drum again. Because I truly start to believe that music can be the key to healing my soul.
My own music, my own dance :-)
My pretty flute :-)
zondag 9 september 2012
And so it is
Everything goes in ups and downs. I try to make the best of it. The strange thing is, now that I know I am bi polaire I regonize more and more, my moods going down. The frustrating is that I can do nothing about it and I can not pull the brake (yet).
Luckely I had a good weekend. I've been outside a lot, eat a lot of healthy and yummy things, had a lot of good talks, meet interesting people, got motivating ideas and nice invitations. So good things to think about.
I am happy to boyfriend starts to understand that I am sick. That I can not do anything about my moods and that I am not like that on purpose. He takes the time for me. I can now say I feel bad, or I feel my mood going down and I am so grateful and happy he can handle me in those moments. Because he doesn't put me down. He puts a arm around me, talks to me and tries to make my laugh. Eventhough he knows that does not always work.
He keeps on eye on me and takes care of me even when I can be a little bitch. So I feel blessed with this love.
Tomorrow work will start again and all the other things of every day life. Not my favourite things, but I know there is a wind of change in the air so I just take life as it comes, day by day. Like that I can handle it more and my mind stays more calm.
Hopefully this week I get my appointment for therapy so when can go some steps further again.
We'll just keep on waiting.
But for now hot tea, lots of hugs and than some good sleep :-)
Luckely I had a good weekend. I've been outside a lot, eat a lot of healthy and yummy things, had a lot of good talks, meet interesting people, got motivating ideas and nice invitations. So good things to think about.
I am happy to boyfriend starts to understand that I am sick. That I can not do anything about my moods and that I am not like that on purpose. He takes the time for me. I can now say I feel bad, or I feel my mood going down and I am so grateful and happy he can handle me in those moments. Because he doesn't put me down. He puts a arm around me, talks to me and tries to make my laugh. Eventhough he knows that does not always work.
He keeps on eye on me and takes care of me even when I can be a little bitch. So I feel blessed with this love.
Tomorrow work will start again and all the other things of every day life. Not my favourite things, but I know there is a wind of change in the air so I just take life as it comes, day by day. Like that I can handle it more and my mind stays more calm.
Hopefully this week I get my appointment for therapy so when can go some steps further again.
We'll just keep on waiting.
But for now hot tea, lots of hugs and than some good sleep :-)
woensdag 5 september 2012
Survial part 2
Last night I felt so damn empty.... the house was silent and I felt really a bit lost. When boyfriend came online I tried really hard not to be pissed or angry, and eventhough I did not say anything bad, my mind was trying hard not to spit out wat I felt.
Because I felt alone, afraid and forsaken.
When I went to bed after walking the dogs, my little girl woke up. I took her with me and finally after two hours I fell a sleep. And only slept for a short while because little girl woke up again and again.
So for now I already feel completly dead.
But the dogs took their morning walk, little girl her breakfast and now I feel like, now what?
A lot of stupid things to do that have to be my life from now on.... goodie....
Because I felt alone, afraid and forsaken.
When I went to bed after walking the dogs, my little girl woke up. I took her with me and finally after two hours I fell a sleep. And only slept for a short while because little girl woke up again and again.
So for now I already feel completly dead.
But the dogs took their morning walk, little girl her breakfast and now I feel like, now what?
A lot of stupid things to do that have to be my life from now on.... goodie....
Ultimate survival
He is gone. For a month or so. And I am alone.
And I feel complete panic. I finally know that I am sick, I am trying to find my way with that, find it hard to accept, I must search for a new house and so much more and than like lighting crashes he is gone.
Today is my first day, I try to see it as a test, how good I will handle and if it is possible not to lose my mind.
So how did this day so far. The morning was okay, boyfriend was still home, we had breakfast, he walked the dogs and I brought my son to school.
Once back he started to pack his bag. I hated it. Because putting everything in there for me was torture, knowing he would be really going for so long.
I try to understand why faith makes me suffer, but I can find no reason.
He got me some money so I could eat, I walked the dogs and than woke up my daughter so she and me could go pick up her brother from school.
En this moment was also the terrible moment of goodbye. I just stand there like stone, afraid if I would say something, or show any emotions I would burst out in tears. So I swallowed my tears and walked away with my little girl in the buggy. Trying not to look back.
And so I went to school, my mind completly in shock, making over hours how the hell I would ever manage this. And after 20 minutes or so, I just turned numb.
I picked up my son and we took quite a long trip through the city. I bought the kids a donut, looked around here and there and went home.
Once home me and my son painted a robot while the little girl was eating grapes in her chair.
I wonder around the house and my heart feels empty. I already miss him.
I guess it is time to cook. This night I will pick up a car for behind my bike. So it will be more easy to take this kids everywhere with me. (I hope)
And than it will be silent here.....
And I feel complete panic. I finally know that I am sick, I am trying to find my way with that, find it hard to accept, I must search for a new house and so much more and than like lighting crashes he is gone.
Today is my first day, I try to see it as a test, how good I will handle and if it is possible not to lose my mind.
So how did this day so far. The morning was okay, boyfriend was still home, we had breakfast, he walked the dogs and I brought my son to school.
Once back he started to pack his bag. I hated it. Because putting everything in there for me was torture, knowing he would be really going for so long.
I try to understand why faith makes me suffer, but I can find no reason.
He got me some money so I could eat, I walked the dogs and than woke up my daughter so she and me could go pick up her brother from school.
En this moment was also the terrible moment of goodbye. I just stand there like stone, afraid if I would say something, or show any emotions I would burst out in tears. So I swallowed my tears and walked away with my little girl in the buggy. Trying not to look back.
And so I went to school, my mind completly in shock, making over hours how the hell I would ever manage this. And after 20 minutes or so, I just turned numb.
I picked up my son and we took quite a long trip through the city. I bought the kids a donut, looked around here and there and went home.
Once home me and my son painted a robot while the little girl was eating grapes in her chair.
I wonder around the house and my heart feels empty. I already miss him.
I guess it is time to cook. This night I will pick up a car for behind my bike. So it will be more easy to take this kids everywhere with me. (I hope)
And than it will be silent here.....
maandag 3 september 2012
Listening to the dark voice inside. Telling me I am not good enough and never will be. I can only make people unhappy. People only get unhappy when they are with me. I am not a person to love apparantly. People always need to run away from me. I am too much. Too much trouble, too much problems, too many children. My love is killing, never enough.
My body repulsive, ugly, I am not able to take care of it, use it in the good way.
Everything I do, I do wrong.
I am nothing, born out of fighting couple, born in a world gone cold.
So cold, so dark.
I live to survive, one day at the time, hoping it will end one day...
My body repulsive, ugly, I am not able to take care of it, use it in the good way.
Everything I do, I do wrong.
I am nothing, born out of fighting couple, born in a world gone cold.
So cold, so dark.
I live to survive, one day at the time, hoping it will end one day...
Sometimes I hear your voice. Hear the sweet things you say to me.
I wonder if it is real, if all will come true what you tell me.
I hope...
Because sometimes I feel I can not take anymore.
I wonder if it is real, if all will come true what you tell me.
I hope...
Because sometimes I feel I can not take anymore.
zaterdag 1 september 2012
Taking care of myself
The first step was going to the doctor. I know now for sure I am bi polair with an anxiety disorder. Step 2 will be waiting for a letter to get an appointment for a therapist. And further more take good care of myself. For me this means eat healthy and sport. Two things that are at the moment very difficult for me. In the future I will proberly get cognitive therapy and maybe medication.
I so wish I could get therapy with horses again, but I can not afford it :( I feel really bad about that because untill now that works the very best for me.
I also hope I can find some good body awareness training.
Further more my boyfriend works with me with breathing exercise and energy healing and that brings a bit calm.
So a lot of tools, but still not really handles to grab and work with, what makes the rollercoaster still going up and down again and again and very very fast.
I think I will attack a kiwi...that's healthy....
I so wish I could get therapy with horses again, but I can not afford it :( I feel really bad about that because untill now that works the very best for me.
I also hope I can find some good body awareness training.
Further more my boyfriend works with me with breathing exercise and energy healing and that brings a bit calm.
So a lot of tools, but still not really handles to grab and work with, what makes the rollercoaster still going up and down again and again and very very fast.
I think I will attack a kiwi...that's healthy....
Within Temptation - All I Need
I'm dying to catch my breath
Oh why don't I ever learn?
I've lost all my trust,
though I've surely tried to turn it around
Can you still see the heart of me?
All my agony fades away
when you hold me in your embrace
Don't tear me down for all I need
Make my heart a better place
Give me something I can believe
Don't tear me down
You've opened the door now, don't let it close
I'm here on the edge again
I wish I could let it go
I know that I'm only one step away
from turning it around
Can you still see the heart of me?
All my agony fades away
when you hold me in your embrace
Don't tear me down for all I need
Make my heart a better place
Give me something I can believe
Don't tear it down, what's left of me
Make my heart a better place
I tried many times but nothing was real
Make it fade away, don't break me down
I want to believe that this is for real
Save me from my fear
Don't tear me down
Don't tear me down for all I need
Make my heart a better place
Don't tear me down for all I need
Make my heart a better place
Give me something I can believe
Don't tear it down, what's left of me
Make my heart a better place
Make my heart a better place...........
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