dinsdag 31 januari 2012

She who speaks with Relations (31 january, The She-warrior)

Today I was thinking about a training I also want to do. It has been in my mind for 5 weeks now and I have been invited to come and talk about it. My heart really longs to do it, because I feel this year is my year to get myself together, to reclaim my power en rebuild my life again.
And eventhough I don't know my path and I take little steps. I know for sure it is important for me to get into my power again. Like that I can do what I must do.
So I draw a card today with the question if it would be good if I would do this training also.

This was the answer:

She-warrior - She who supports life
Underneath you lies the road of simplicity. The road is more intense than you thougt and you suprise yourself about it's natural course. You notice that in your daily life you get distracted a lot by all kind of messages fired your way. How do you handle this? The She-warrior will show you the way. She guards your focus en asks you to set a goal and go for it. Some souls know from their birth their goal in their life. Others ask themselves what their life-legend is en how they can come closer to this. The She-warrior helps you to strenghten your inner power and to find your task in this life.
For this she uses her magical weapon: The Javelin. A resting javeling stands next beside you vertically and symbolises your strength. When a javelin is thrown away she moves horizontally. This symbolizes your life purpose. Rest and movement form together a Holy Cross, the essence of who you are. Bring rest and movement in balance and experience the legend within you.

This answer makes me think that if I have the change to do the training that I should. So I hope I get the possibility to do it. I just send it out to the universe and hope something good will come out of it.

Today I did went outside but not for meditation or music :S But I did something for my training though... I bought a little silver bracelet. At the training we got a orange bead to put around our wrist. But the wire was to smooth and everytime the knot went out. So I bought a bracelet and attaced the bead with some iron wire to it :-) Like this everytime I get a new bead I can put is on my bracelet and do not lose my beads. I would really be sad if that would happen, because a lot of prayers, wishes and happy thoughts are given to them.

I also got a new book for writing, I got a giftcard for my birthday so I could get the book with my giftcard :-) Like that I got myself a birthday present that will hold an important part of life.

And eventhough I spend not a lot time outside today because of the cold. I got a wonderful experience with a barnowl today. I went to look inside our barn to see if I could find him and I did. But when I send my boyfriend of running to get my camera the owl saw me and flew into house and stayed there. But it was amazing to have an owl fly so close over my head :-)
Again an owl  ;-)

I have a feeling I will see more of him in this yeartraining.

maandag 30 januari 2012

She who speaks with Relations (30 January, Little Robin)

Today I find myself quite calm. I can stress about a lot, but somehow my mind made the choice not to do that. Like that I could spend the morning watching my little friend the robin. The robin was the first bird that I saw with the training last friday and today he spend the whole morning in our garden and also very close. I have a special relation with this bird. He always shows up when it is necessary for me to hear that everything will be fine. Because it stayed so close to me this morning I could easily take pictures of him :-)

After friday somehow I have the feeling I let go of more stuff than that I thought. Maybe that is why I feel so calm today. Like some sort of changement has taken place in my heart. I can not really explain.
Today I really wanted to go outside but I did not take the time for myself to do it. Tomorrow I should really do it. Because I feel really like a pussy right now, because I hate the cold, but I know that when I am outside and I go in the energy of Mother Earth I will feel warm. So tomorrow no complaining, just go, dress warm and place my ass in a nice place close to the house between the snowdrops and snow.
Playing my flute, singing, meditation and trying to go deeper within myself. Maybe the robin will come and visit me there too. We will see.
The most important lesson right now is first to connect with myself and than with the others.

zondag 29 januari 2012

She who speaks with Relations (First day of the training)

"She who speaks with Relations is the first teacher in the cycle. She is the Mother of Nature and the Planetary Family. She teaches us how to understand the unspoken Languages of Nature, our kinship with all life forms, how to enter the Sacred Spaces of others with respect, how to honor cycles, rhythms, and changes of season and weather, and how to meld with the life force and rhythms in all dimensions to learn the Truth of each thing in our World."

Today is the day, I need to get up early to get my stuff and get to the train. But I don't mind, i am really looking forward to do this. But of course there happens something that is stressing me out completly. I need to make an appointment for my oldest son, to pick him up and my ex don't answer his phone so I am really worried how to take care of this, because i can not pick up my phone during the training.
And after sending a sms and calling again in the train and not getting an answer I am also getting angry. Great, my day started fine, but when I am in de train I feel like shit.

After one and half hour of traveling I arrive at the station. My friend who also does the training awaits me and together we walk to a beautiful location in de forest. And for once we don't get lost. Hooray for us!

When we arrive a fire is burning and I am very grateful for that because of course I am cold (as always). I warm myself att he fire and put on my snowboots that my friend brought me. We get some hot tea and of course I need to make a phonecall. Luckely the others are not there yet and I call my ex again, but he pushes me away. So my anger gets a bit bigger...ggrrr
I call a good friend and he wants to help me out and will call my ex for me when I am in the training. I feel a bit more calm.

After a hour everybody is finally there and we get inside and open a circle. For me opening the circle not myself and with the help of drums is a complete new experience and I enjoy it a lot. The forst thing I notice that I feel calm in the group. The energy is soft and gentle.
We also sing and do a very beautiful ritual to connect to each other. For me a ritual that set tears to my eyes. Not very easy to do ;-)
We connected to Mother Earth and to the universe. In my meditation to connect to Mother Earth I see myself tie my spiritual cord to a heartshaped stone. It gives me the feeling she loves me.
I feel my center lies in my womb and I feel the loss my child. And everytime we need to connect to our center I feel myself getting pushed in this pain.... Not a nice feeling.

After spending some time inside we all must find a place in the forest. A place that will be our own holy space for the next year. So i dress myself very warm and up I go, into the forest. I find myself a lovely place near some water, beneath some pine trees.We got the task to connect to our place, the clanmother and bring something from our place back to the house. I am content with my place, less happy I am with the dead mouse I find near my place. I think I disturb an owl with his catch, because the mouse looks "fresh" and only got one bite out of it. When I look at the mouse he looks so helpless to me... I leave him there and get back under my tree. Of course I can not concentrate and I take a look at my phone because I want to be sure I can pick up my son tonight. I call my friend, he tells me all is okay, but still I also call my ex to really be sure all is fine. And thank Goddess all is fine. Now I can finally sit and relax...well I think. Because my mind get drawn to the mouse again...damn!
I go back to the mouse, shall I take it with me? My mind says, are you completly crazy. My heart says don't be a pussy. I get back to my place again and try to think of something else. I overlook the water and think of a moment that I was at the Solse Gat with my friend and we both saw fairies dancing on the water. I feel the same energy here now. But thinking of my friend, I think of the mouse again. My friend is very comfortable with dead animals and taking parts from it. So I think again that I should take the mouse. I think it is a beautiful offer of the owl. It shows me sometimes things should die first before they can be reborn first. So I decide to take the mouse. Silently I walk to my friend and ask if she has a bag, but no. So my mind tells me inmediatly now you don't have to take it. But when I walk back I find myself a platic bag...shit now I HAVE to take it. So with two sticks I place the mouse on the plastic bag and put it in my bag. Now I feel finally relaxt.
I breath and stare over the water. The last element I need to work through. I need to drown first before I can reborn. I realize that I want to controle a lot of things. Normally I controlled most things in my life, but now that I let go of everything there is not much to control anymore and I realise I grab everything I can grab to hold on to, to have control in my life. And today was the same with my ex and my son. And I know why I do it, because in this case if I don't do it, my ex just let it pass by because he just don't cares. But I realised I need to let things go a bit more. I need to trust more that all will be fine. Without me trying to control it all.

I lean into my tree and I feel my womb again. I can feel my pain, I can feel how hard I am to myself. I don't allow myself to have pain. So long I needed to survive, that showing pain, letting in pain, was weakness in my eyes. But now I see I need my pain to heal myelf. Only by recognizing my pain, embracing my pain, I can heal it.
I stare a bit more over the water and than all of the sudden a beautiful grey horse runs across the other side, no amazone on it, no saddle just the horse. I feel completly in awe.... The horse is one of my poweranimals and I feel blessed to see her here. Grey as the myst.

And a smile reaches my face. In a while I hear the drums calling are back to the house. I stand up, thank the spirits and go back.

We have a wonderful lunch and after lunch we talk about our time in the forest and what we found. I make a good entry with dead mouse LOL
We sing, we meditate and after that we create a plate. We must put our experiences of that day on the plate. The plate has the colour of the clanmother of january, orange.
Of course I make a mouse on it :-)
This was my plate:

My mouse, the Goddes, the moon, owl feathers, a seashell and a little white stone I also find at my place.
I am happy with the result.

After the training, I went back home in the dark, with the moon lighting my way.
Of course I picked up my son in my way back. And finally back home I was happy to hold my man, see my children and have some food! I look forward to day two and will work this clanmother everyday. I will make a holy place outside here too, like that I can connect more easily I hope.
It was a great day full with love compassion, warmth, softness and respect.
I feel blessed.

She who speaks to relatives (The beginning)

27th Of January I started my year training. Together with 6 other women we will work through all the 13 Clanmothers by the book of Jamie Sams.
In this blog I will share my stories, experiences and adventures during this training. I will do this in English so my boyfriend can read it too. My English will not always be perfect, so sorry for that :-)

The training started with an email that contained some questions. The most important questions for me to answer were these ones:
How do you see your femininity?
Where are you now in your life?
What shows itself on your path right now?
What do you long for in your life?
What to you expect to find/do in the training?

My answers:
How do you see your femininity?
I see my femininity like the ocean. Sometimes powerful, strong and fierce. Sometimes wild, untamed, full with fire. Soft, caring and embracing. But also broken, put down, denied in womanhood, beauty and love. My feminity has a very deep wound and needs a lot of healing.

Where are you now in your life?
I'm standing at the beginning of a new book. But i don't know how or where to start writing. I find myself in a new sort of freedom and I am very afraid of it.

What shows itself on your path right now?
Accepting of love
(lack) of (self) confidence
Stop being afraid of love
To have blind faith
Accepting help from others
Stop feeling lonely
What to do with my life?
Can i make it, can i handle it? (fear)

What do you long for in your life?
I hope i can reclaim my own power again, to be myself. Vunerable, feminine, beautiful. That my only weapon I will need is love, and that all other things do not matter any more. I long to hold the love that I have in my life and that I won't be afraid of it anymore.

What to you expect to find/do in the training?
I hope to find the contact with myself again. That i can become Nathalie again. The part that i have lost and what is given back to me in a very special way. I want to become soft and gentle again, I want to live instead of survive. I want to say to the little girl inside, it's over, you don't have to hide anymore, you can come and and play and feel how it is like to be loved. I want to hold her hand and never let go. I want to free myself from guilt and waht to be 100% in connection with my inner flame.
I want to jump voluntary into the deep with my eyes wide shut. I want to be myself again.

For me, answering these questions, brought me really to myself and got me to think about a lot of things.
But it also made me look more forward to the training. So it was time for me to count down to january 27.